The Pentagon has confirmed it is sending a high-altitude anti-missile system operated by US troops to Israel. Officials say the Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense (Thaad) battery will bolster Israeli air defences after Iran’s missile attack on the country earlier this month.

THAAD Anti-Missile

President Joe Biden has said it is meant “to defend Israel”, which is still expected to retaliate against an Iranian strike involving more than 180 ballistic missiles fired at Israel on 1 October.
The move has become the focus of attention as it involves putting American boots on the ground in Israel.

There are already a small number of US forces in the country – but this new deployment of about 100 troops is significant as it signals further US entanglement in the expanding regional war.It is also being scoured for clues as to what it means about the effectiveness of Israel’s missile defences as the crisis grows. Israel has yet to launch its retaliation for Iran’s attack, which will be “lethal, precise and above all, surprising” according to Defence Minister Yoav Gallant.

Tehran said it fired on Israel because it assassinated Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Iranian-backed Hezbollah, in Beirut. It’s still unclear whether the Thaad deployment is part of US contingency planning to bridge gaps identified in Israel’s aerial defences, or whether it points to growing concerns in Washington of a more forceful Israeli strike on Iran.

President Biden has opposed any attack on Iranian nuclear facilities, as well as on its oil or energy infrastructure, amid fears that it would trigger a spiralling conflict and affect the global economy.

Whatever the background to the decision, it signals a further need by Israel for US defence assistance amid the expanding Middle East war. Ballistic missiles like the Fattah-1used by Iran earlier this month are fired upwards into the Earth’s atmosphere, where they change trajectory and descend towards their target. One of their military advantages is their immense speed compared with cruise missiles or drones.

The Thaad system is highly effective against ballistic missiles, according to manufacturer Lockheed Martin, the biggest US arms maker. Raytheon, another American weapons firm, builds its advanced radar.
Raytheon, another American weapons firm, builds its advanced radar. The system counts six truck-mounted launchers, with eight interceptors on each launcher. It costs about $1bn (£766m) a battery and requires a crew of about 100 to operate it.

Thaad is much sought after including by Ukraine to counter Russian missile attacks. Saudi Arabia has orders in for it, and reportedly wanted more as part of an American weapons bonanza in return for officially recognising Israel: a so-called “normalisation” deal which was largely derailed after the 7 October attack by Hamas.

What Is the THAAD System?

THAAD, developed by Lockheed Martin, is one of the most advanced missile defense systems in the world. It is designed to intercept and destroy ballistic missiles during the terminal phase of their flight, just as they are descending toward their target. THAAD is unique because it uses a “hit-to-kill” technology, meaning it destroys incoming missiles by directly colliding with them, rather than using explosives, making it exceptionally effective at neutralizing high-speed, long-range threats.

THAAD Anti-Missile

This system is capable of engaging ballistic missiles both inside and outside the Earth’s atmosphere, offering Israel a much-needed layer of defense against longer-range threats that other systems like the Iron Dome and David’s Sling are less equipped to handle. While Israel’s current defense systems are effective against short- and medium-range threats, such as rockets fired from Gaza, THAAD’s long-range capabilities are designed to counter a much broader array of missile attacks.

Why Is the US Providing THAAD to Israel Now?

The decision to provide Israel with the THAAD system comes at a time when regional tensions have escalated significantly. Iran’s growing influence and its development of ballistic missile capabilities pose a serious threat not only to Israel but also to American interests in the Middle East. Iranian-backed groups, like Hezbollah, have significantly expanded their missile arsenals, and intelligence suggests that the precision and range of these weapons are steadily improving.

This creates a growing need for Israel to enhance its missile defense architecture to protect against potential large-scale attacks. While Israel’s existing missile defense systems, like the Iron Dome, are highly effective against short-range rockets, they are not designed to counter the more advanced ballistic missiles that countries like Iran could deploy.

THAAD Anti-Missile

By supplying Israel with the THAAD system, the United States is reinforcing its commitment to Israeli security while also countering Iran’s influence in the region. U.S. officials have emphasized that this deployment is a defensive measure aimed at protecting a key ally from external threats.

“We are working closely with Israel to ensure they have the capabilities to defend against any and all threats,” said a Pentagon spokesperson. “The deployment of THAAD will strengthen Israel’s ability to counter long-range missile threats, and it sends a clear message that the U.S. is fully committed to the security of the region.”

Complementing Israel’s Existing Defense Systems

Israel’s missile defense strategy relies on a multi-layered approach to counter threats from various distances and capabilities. The Iron Dome system is renowned for its success in intercepting short-range rockets, particularly those launched from Gaza. The David’s Sling system provides coverage for medium-range threats, while the Arrow system is designed to intercept long-range ballistic missiles.

THAAD adds another critical layer, protecting against threats that Israel’s current systems may not be able to intercept. With its ability to engage targets at high altitudes and long ranges, THAAD will provide Israel with additional time and a broader defensive reach to intercept missiles that would otherwise be too difficult to counter.

THAAD Anti-Missile

Military analysts suggest that the THAAD system could be particularly effective in protecting Israel from any missile barrages launched from farther-reaching foes like Iran. Iran’s missile program has long been a source of concern for Israel, with Tehran having tested missiles capable of reaching Israeli territory. While Israel’s Arrow system can target long-range threats, THAAD provides an extra layer of security in case of simultaneous attacks.

Regional Implications and Strategic Benefits

The deployment of the THAAD system to Israel is also likely to have wider geopolitical implications. Some analysts believe that it could deter further aggression from Iran or its proxies by demonstrating that Israel is prepared to defend itself with cutting-edge technology.

However, this move could also provoke reactions from neighboring countries, especially those aligned with Iran. There are concerns that such an advanced system in Israel’s defense arsenal may lead to an arms race in the region, as other nations seek to boost their own military capabilities in response.

From a strategic perspective, the U.S. sees the THAAD deployment as an investment in regional stability. By providing Israel with the tools it needs to protect itself, Washington hopes to reduce the likelihood of conflict, while also reinforcing its influence in the Middle East.

A Symbol of US-Israel Cooperation

The decision to provide Israel with THAAD is also a symbolic gesture of the close relationship between the U.S. and Israel. For decades, the U.S. has been Israel’s largest military ally, supplying billions of dollars in defense aid and working closely with Israeli forces on joint defense initiatives. The THAAD system is just the latest example of this cooperation, further solidifying the alliance between the two nations.

For Israel, the addition of THAAD to its defense system is a significant step toward securing the country against evolving threats in an increasingly volatile region. As missile technology continues to advance, Israel’s ability to defend itself from long-range, high-precision attacks becomes more critical than ever.

By giving Israel this powerful anti-missile system, the U.S. is ensuring that its closest ally in the region remains protected, while also sending a clear message to adversaries that any threats to Israel’s security will be met with formidable defense.

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