Exit polls have come out after the presidential elections in Mexico. After the elections, exit polls are indicating that history is in the making. Claudia Sheinbaum is projected to get the lead. According to El Financiero exit poll, Sheinbaum can become the first woman president in this violence-hit country.
- 1 Mexico: Claudia Sheinbaum
- 2 For the first time in the history of 200 years, a woman’s head was crowned.
- 3 The biggest election in history; 20 thousand posts, 98 million voters
- 4 North American country Mexico, a country with 52 percent women
- 5 Who is Sheinbaum; What are the political promises?
- 6 Mexico famous due to criminal incidents
Mexico: Claudia Sheinbaum
Mexico is on the verge of historic change due to the general elections. There are indications of change in the exit polls after voting in the presidential elections. According to the exit poll released by El Financiero after the voting, Claudia Sheinbaum has strong chances of winning. He is on the verge of creating history. Financier chief Alejandro Moreno announced the first exit poll findings after voting was completed at polling stations across the country. He said that nowhere was there such a difference in voting that there was a possibility of unexpected change in the results.Sheinbaum political party- Morena Party said that the first woman in the history of the country can become the President. According to the news in the international media, Sheinbaum himself, while addressing a large public meeting, said that all the opposition parties have accepted defeat in the elections.
For the first time in the history of 200 years, a woman’s head was crowned.
Before the formal announcement of the results, Sheinbaum said that for the first time in the 200-year history of the Republic, the country will get a woman President. He said that this woman president will be an advocate of changes. He thanked the people of Mexico for their huge support and said, the people have shown commitment to democracy. He also called upon the public to become partners in change.
The biggest election in history; 20 thousand posts, 98 million voters
It is also interesting that the 2024 election is being described as the biggest election in the history of the country. More than 98 million eligible voters of the country had a golden opportunity to exercise their franchise. This year elections have been conducted for more than 20,000 public posts. The ruling Morena party and the opposition alliance are claiming victory in the country’s elections. Based on exit poll estimates, opposition alliance’s presidential candidate Xochitl Galvez said that she and her alliance have won the elections. Meanwhile, current President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has appealed to respect Mexican voters.
North American country Mexico, a country with 52 percent women
It is also interesting that in the North American country Mexico, 52 percent of the population is women. If we talk about the American continent, only South American countries Honduras and Peru have female presidents. If Sheinbaum wins the presidential election, she will be the first woman to win a general election in the US, Canada, including Mexico. She can also become the first President to come from the Jewish community.
Who is Sheinbaum; What are the political promises?
Despite his closeness to current President Lopez Obrador, Sheinbaum has emphasized his own identity, independence and leadership style. He has made every effort to create an image different from the current President. His famous election promises include continuation of the pension program for senior citizens. This plan has been going on since the time of Lopez Obrador. Apart from this, he has also made tempting promises like expanding scholarships for students, providing free fertilizers for small land farmers.
Mexico famous due to criminal incidents
According to media reports, Mexico has often been in the headlines due to discrimination against women and brutal murders. Since 2015, such criminal incidents have more than doubled. According to the 2020 census, four out of 100 minor girls are married.
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